
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

HEY! My name is Elle and here’s a little bit about me…

I’m from a small town in Georgia called Covington, but I was born in Texas and still call that place my home away from home. GO H-TOWN! I’ve grown up as a PK, and seeing my parents love for ministry and the church has always inspired me. Some more quick facts: I love shopping/thrifting, coffee shop hunting, running, and people! I’m 18 and just graduated high-school and God has called me to missions before attending college so here I am! It has always been my dream to travel the world, being immersed in a different culture, and seeing God in a new way. God is making that possible for me! This fall semester I will be living in Nicaragua and Costa Rica with a cool group of people I have never met before! Although it sounds scary and like I’m out of mind, I have never felt so much peace as I have with making this decision. That’s how I know this is God’s plan for me 🙂 And I’m stocked that you get to follow me along the way so make sure you subscribe to my blog and keep up with me!